The Scientific sessions were focusing on three major topics, Thrombin Generation (Prof. A. D’angelo, Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan), Scores and Algorithms in Thrombosis and Haemostasis (Dr. P. Marco, Univ. Hospital Alicante, Spain), and New Oral Anticoagulants (Prof. D. Peetz, Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Berlin).
- Prof. A. D’Angelo explained in details the importance of the Thrombin Generation assay (CAT) for the identification of both hypo anf hypercoagulables states.
- Dr. Marco showed that the use of scores and algorithms can facilitate decision making, both in diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic and bleeding disorders.
- Prof. Peetz talked about new oral anticoagulants with a special focus on the clinical management of a bleeding patient and the relevance to use specific antidotes. For both dabigatran and the direct factor Xa inhibitor antidotes will be released in the near future.
At the end of the scientific sessions the STA R Max, the new coagulation analyser of the Max Generation, has been introduced. The aim for Stago is to provide our customers with a reliable instruments from day 1 (thanks to already tested new hardware features that have been implemented into the STA R Max), to give the staff of the lab comprehensive tools for simplifying the results validation (expert rules), to answer the new regulatory requirements with a full traceability menu including method validation as well as advanced QC management.
Both new ergonomic of the system and a better workflow management will help for time savings as well as a better optimization of the lab productivity.
In a nutshell this Symposium has been a great opportunity for our customers to know more about Stago (company focuses, visit of Stago manufacturing facilities) combined to a high level of scientific presentations and to the first presentation of the STA R Max.